Women in Protected Bike Lanes

Strategic Plan and Goals


Lead the development of an innovative regional recreation and transportation movement that places trails, cycling, and active transportation infrastructure at the core of an inclusive, vibrant, and healthy culture.


An active transportation and trail network that fundamentally changes how people move through our region.


Innovation - We commit to synthesizing the lived experiences of our constituents with best practices from around the world to develop accessible, inclusive, and forward- thinking trail and active transportation networks.

Collaboration - We commit to working closely with constituents, cities, corporations, organizations, and industry thought leaders to develop programs and infrastructure that meets the needs and exceeds the expectations of people in Northwest Arkansas.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - We commit to centering the principles and practices of diversity, equity, and inclusion in our outreach, programs, operations, and governance in order to represent, reflect, and celebrate the diversity of Northwest Arkansas.

Sustainability - We commit to innovating and optimizing to ensure that our programs and operations are environmentally, fiscally, and socially sustainable.

Group Riding in Protected Bike Lane Next to Traffic

Differentiating Between Goals, Outcomes and Outputs

The differences between goals and objectives can be nuanced, but can be made clear by following these simple guidelines:

  • Goals are broad – Outcomes are measurably narrower;
  • Goals are general – Outcomes are specific but still broad;
  • Goals are abstract – Outcomes and Outputs are concrete;
  • Goals cannot be specifically measured – Outcomes and Outputs can and should be measured.
Woman in Protected Bike Lane Next to Hospital

Plan Goals, Outcomes and Outputs

These six overarching strategic goals were developed to create value for the newly merged organization by addressing areas of critical market need. These goals are structured to work together much like a natural ecosystem, as they are interrelated and work together to support the new organization’s new mission and move it towards its long-term vision. Accomplishing one goal is important in achieving the others. Failure in achieving one goal could impact the ability to achieve another, as output from one supports progress in the other. But in turn success in achieving one goal makes achieving the other goals much more likely.

Strategic Goals

Lead the Region

The new merged organization will establish itself as a facilitator and leader of a more inclusive regional mobility movement.

Outcome A: Align funder and the new organization’s public efforts towards a more collaborative and integrated regional movement

Outcome B: Cycling/trails and mobility will be established as an accepted regional development strategy with broad regional support amongst government, institutions, business and general public

Outcome C: Establish a brand and image campaign in order to position the public image of the new organization as a regional movement leader supported by funders

Outcome D: A major regional collaborative advocacy initiative will be a core leadership strategy

Plan and Monitor The Regional Movement

Facilitate a regional planning and monitoring ethic/expectation by developing, releasing and promoting an annual public regional movement plan. Support plan implementation by monitoring progress using data and research.

Outcomes: A new sense of trust, belonging and collaboration will be established by helping people understand and feel a part of the movement by releasing general infrastructure and program plans of the movement to regional leaders and public (each would be different efforts with different levels of detail) Including the region in planning and the success of the movement facilitates more collaboration and the goal of broad regional support 

Outcome B: Inventory and aggregate relevant goals and planned projects from existing cycling, trail, and mobility and transportation plans (e.g. funders, partners, government, etc...)

Outcome C: Establish and involve leaders and public in programs to monitor and track progress

Outcome D: Establishing impact and value of the movement through research and promotions of findings and impact

Develop and Protect the Regional Asset

Facilitate and lead a regional cycling infrastructure operation and maintenance alignment and coordination initiative.

Outcome A: Working with funders and regional communities implement the Annual Trail and Cycling Infrastructure development plan developed in Goal II

Outcome B: Develop a cycling infrastructure operation and maintenance roundtable or alliance that can help coordinate and align efforts regionally

Outcome C: Working with the alliance or roundtable establishing a multi-jurisdictional regional operational guidelines for trail quality

Outcome D: Establish a regional O&M capacity and capability training initiative

Outcome E: Develop a regional volunteerism initiative to build the constituent army and support the O&M

Activate the Region

Educate, engage, and enable the region including expanding movement diversity and inclusion through programs and events.

Outcome A: Develop a comprehensive public engagement and education program

Outcome B: Expand funding and support for education programs for large groups such as schools, churches, businesses, etc…

Outcome C: Diversity, Inclusion and Equity initiative (DEI), welcoming and including communities of color

Outcome D: Support and create awareness for efforts with mission-driving events and a promotional campaign strategy

Elevate the Brand

Educate, engage, and enable the region including expanding movement diversity and inclusion through programs and events.

Outcome A: Rebrand merged organization around its new strategic plan and merger to be THE regional community and industry leader

Outcome B: Develop overarching merged organization brand and marketing plan to cover first 2 years of strategic plan implementation

Outcome C: Develop strategic communication plan for launch in 2021 to explain the merger and express the value of the new organization and the movement (initial components of this will be developed in Task 8)

Outcome D: Establish a short term public engagement initiative featuring speaking and listening tours, public meetings informing region of coming efforts, support the merger and brand launch, etc...

Outcome E: Establish a digital platform as a “GO TO” regional hub for information on the movement

Outcome F: Develop a regional relationship development initiative

Increase Organizational Impact Towards Mission

Develop capacity and capability to sustain the organizational mission.

Outcome A: Sustaining the mission and new strategic plan with targeted organizational capacity and capability

Outcome B: Develop a 5-year orgaznational development plan that supports the new organizations strategy and supporting work plan

Outcome C: Develop a high performance Board of Directors that can assist in strategic goals including strategic autonomy and funding diversity

Outcome D: Align and understand funder and regional strategic needs