Call To Participate: Trails, Cycling and Active Transportation Advisory Council

Trailblazers seeks community members to join our newly created Trails, Cycling, and Active Transportation Advisory Council (TCAT Advisory Council). The advisory council will represent the diversity of Northwest Arkansas by ensuring that members from marginalized and underserved communities are included.

The advisory council will:

  • Guide Trailblazers’ work around community programming, education, and advocacy efforts to reduce barriers to access and use of infrastructure

  • Guide the methodology and implementation of the annual NWA Paved Trail Inclusivity Survey and Focus Groups, including supporting outreach to increase participation and reach of these efforts.

  • Provide input and feedback on our annual NWA Trails and Active Transportation Equity Mapping and Analysis.

 Members will commit to serving on the council for 2-year terms and will be compensated via a paid cash stipend and transportation costs to and from meetings. The initial meeting schedule will be the following:

Year 1: 2023

  • April  27, 2023

  • May 25, 2023

  • June 29,  2023

  • August 24,  2023

  • November 16,  2023

Year 2: 2024

  • February 2024- Date TBD

  • May 2024- Date TBD

  • August 2024- Date TBD

  • November 2024- Date TBD

Trailblazers will be accepting applications to serve on the council until April 10, 2023

If you are interested in being part of the Advisory Council, please fill out the  application at the below links    (English Version)
(Spanish Version)


For more information on Trails, Cycling, and Active Transportation Advisory Council, please email


Trailblazers Releases Northwest Arkansas Trails & Active Transportation Equity Report


What is adaptive mountain biking (aMTB)?