As a non-profit, we have lots of volunteer opportunities — from helping to maintain trails, to teaching kids and adults biking skills, to advocating for active transportation infrastructure and much more.

Current Volunteer Opportunities

Help others learn how to ride a bike! Adult First Ride is a program that offers a free and safe learning environment for adults who have never learned how to ride a bike. We are looking for volunteers who can assist participants and/or act as lead instructors for the class. Fill out the volunteer interest form HERE or e-mail Gabriela@WeAreTrailblazers.org to learn more about ways you can support our Community Classes and Adult First Ride program. 

Help maintain trails!  Are you wanting to give back to the local trail community? Learn more about adopting a section of trail.

Volunteers are Our Favorite

Are you a champion for trails, access, and making sure people feel included and are safe while having a good time? Or something along those lines? If so, we will need your help at some point!

With your participation, you can help us make this region world-class for trails, cycling, and active transportation! Over the coming years, we are seeking community members to help us create an amazing network of trails. We have a variety of roles and opportunities. Stay tuned as we roll out the roles!

Contact us if you have questions or would like to collaborate with us!

Email Us!